12 days left!1/18/2021 Dear friends, We hope you are safe, healthy, and in good spirits during these tumultuous times. We hope you have been taking care of yourselves and each other. It’s awkward in every moment to ask for money, and it feels especially so in this moment, with… everything. Yet, with all we hope to do this year, we absolutely need your help. We have ambitions to continue our weekly Cold Readings; produce a cabaret where artists can share new work; create The Debates 2021; and produce Andy Boyd’s Occupy Prescott. We have some amazing friends who have offered “perks” for our fundraiser. We encourage you to check out some of the classes our friends are offering below for donations from $25 to $100. Choose from yoga, acting, playwriting, civics, and even bread baking classes. Help us reach our fundraising goal while learning something new! Don’t miss out on these one-of-a-kind opportunities! Thank you so much.
Love, Paul, Katie, Kathryn, and Hilarie
Occupy Prescott1/12/2021 Dear friends, The world’s stakes are so terribly high right now. Last week’s attack on the Capitol Building, and by extension our Democracy, was terrifying and revealing. We have so much work to do if we are to defeat white supremacy and the brutality of capitalism. Change (on seemingly every front) is needed right now. How do we unify in the fight for a better world? How do we achieve consensus and can we afford to wait that long? Next fall, 10 years after the Occupy Wall Street, Theater in Asylum will produce Andy Boyd’s Occupy Prescott. The play follows five very different activists as they try to formulate their demands and reach consensus in how to achieve a more equitable country. With all that’s happening today, the questions, dilemmas, and dueling priorities in this play are precisely what we need now. If you are in a position to, please consider supporting our 2021 Season so that we may bring Occupy Prescott, and the rest of our programs, to our community. Thank you so much.
Love, Paul, Katie, Kathryn, and Hilarie You hungry?1/5/2021 Dear friends, Hope your year is off to a good start! We are thrilled that our first Cold Reading of the year is tomorrow and that things are moving in 2021! Fingers crossed for a happy news cycle this week after today’s runoff in Georgia and tomorrow’s electoral vote count in Washington… Wooo! We have lots of tasty treats to celebrate with (or stress-eat!) and it all supports a good cause! Our 2021 Season fundraiser is underway and we’ve already raised over a third of our goal! See below for some of the delicious perks to our fundraiser. Love, Paul, Katie, Kathryn, and Hilarie Categories
February 2025
Theater in Asylum (TIA) is a New York-based theater company founded in 2010 to challenge and empower our community. TIA joyfully pursues a rigorous research and an ensemble-driven approach to theater-making. We create performances to investigate our past, interpret our present, and imagine our future. We prize space to process, space to question—asylum—for ourselves and our community.