A theatrical adaptation of the 2020 Presidential Debates.
With mimicry, abstraction, and earnest curiosity, we seek to illuminate the candidates, their policies, and ourselves.
What is "The Debates"?
Created by Theater in Asylum (TIA), The Debates is a process of adapting U.S. presidential election debates into theatrical performances. After watching a debate, we gather to analyze it, and create an original performance based on it. Throughout the process, participants speak lines from the debate, imitate candidates' gestures, invent scenes that provide context or history, and analyze the candidates the way an actor would a character in a play. We believe that this is a way to “try on” the candidates, demystifying them and emboldening the voter. Behind the scenes, every word and assertion (whether from the debate transcript or generated by the participants) is rigorously fact checked by a team of dramaturgs. All sources are noted in our publicly available script. Ultimately, we hope the material on stage, and the voting materials offstage, will empower audiences to engage with the democratic process with knowledge and confidence.
Our Goals
- To inspire and empower people to participate in theater (both as audience and theater makers).
- To inspire and empower people to participate in democracy (both by voting on election day and by participating in the discussion every day).
- To create community and cross-pollinate artist and politically active networks.
Our Process
- Watch Party. We watch the debates live on television. These parties can be at a bar, a home, or a community space.
- Political Analysis Meetings. We go through the transcript and separate fact from fiction, highlighting moments that deserve more attention. Facilitators lead participants in research and discussion to better understand what occurred during the debate. By the end of these meetings, the transcript is parsed into what is most potent for our show (either politically or theatrically) and what is discardable (repetitive or unsubstantive).
- Scripting Meetings. We devise scenes or lift dialogue from the transcripts and accompanying research. Here we make the original script.
- Rehearsals. We stage and rehearse the original script. Directors and choreographers lead actors and designers to bring the script to life on stage.
- Performance. We present the team’s work to the community.
- Follow Through. At all our events, voter registration and materials are available. After the performance, we work to remind all participants and audience to vote.
A brief timeline of the show

- August 10, 2017 - the beginning of our timeline, when the first candidate (John Delaney) enters the race for the Democratic nomination for president
- January 25, 2019 - the first campaign suspension (Richard Ojeda)
- March 10, 2019: Campaign Kickoff Cabaret - our first experiments with impersonation
- June 6, 2019: Countdown Cabaret - where we created a musical parody showing the history of how our party's nominee is chosen
- June 26 & 27, 2019 - the first debate, with 20 candidates across two nights
- October 20, 2019: Healthcare Cabaret - where we created a "circus" showing how people access healthcare in this country
- December 9, 2019: Climate Crisis Cabaret - where we created a debate scene about the climate crisis, and began experimenting with the "horse race" frame
- December 18, 2019 - The current president is formally impeached in the House
- February 3, 2020: The first contest (The Iowa Caucus) hands a virtual tie to Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg
- February 5, 2020: The current president is acquitted in the Senate, ending Impeachment
- February 8, 2020: The Electability Cabaret - where we explored the debate around electability, giving special attention to Elizabeth Warren
- March 3, 2020: Super Tuesday solidifies Joe Biden's front-runner status
- March 15, 2020: The last debate, in a CNN studio with just Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders
- March 28, 2020: New York's primary is delayed due to the coronavirus
- April 8, 2020: Bernie Sanders suspends his campaign, leaving just Joe Biden in the race
- June 21, 2020: The Debates 2020 - where we presented our final work on Zoom!
- June 23, 2020: New York's Primary
Our Team
The process was led by TIA’s Artistic Directors Paul Bedard and Katie Palmer.
Fact checking and sourcing by TIA’s Lead Dramaturg Samantha Keogh.
Events work and scripting by TIA’s Community Engagement Manager Hilarie Spangler.
Production and facilitation help by TIA’s Managing Director Kathryn Appleton.
Original songs composed by Ali Dineen.
Fact checking and sourcing by TIA’s Lead Dramaturg Samantha Keogh.
Events work and scripting by TIA’s Community Engagement Manager Hilarie Spangler.
Production and facilitation help by TIA’s Managing Director Kathryn Appleton.
Original songs composed by Ali Dineen.
The Debates 2020 will be performed online on Sunday, June 21st, 2020 by Christian Ávila, Paul Bedard, Danny Bradley (who also composed our racetrack music), Christopher DeSantis, Nadia Diamond, Ali Dineen, Amanda Ghosh, Kara Hankard, Addy Jenkins, Brandon Otis, Katie Palmer, Zac Porter, and Sully Ross. Videography in Name Song and Go Vote Song numbers by Megan Hessenthaler.
Preshow performance by Ali Dineen & Marlee Miller
Livestream Production Management by Dan Stearns
Additional scripting, research, brainstorming, and creative energy invested by:
Livestream Production Management by Dan Stearns
Additional scripting, research, brainstorming, and creative energy invested by:
Christian Ávila
Ariella Axelbank Theresa Burns Matt Clemons Cristopher DeSantis Nadia Diamond Lawrence Dreyfuss Jacey Fears Amanda Ghosh Kara Hankard Gethsemane Herron-Coward |
Cody Hom
Colleen Hughes Karen Irwin Addison Jenkins Oscar Klausner Julia Levine Diana Levy Richard Lowenburg Allie Marotta Tracy McDowell |
Julia Nickerson
Brandon Otis Zac Porter Manuela Sosa Rosie Sowa Dan Stearns Zach Stephens Ellie Swartz Jordan Teicher Alison Walter |
A Disclaimer
All expenditures for The Debates are paid for by Theater in Asylum. No actions, script lines, voting guide, or events are authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Theater in Asylum does not endorse any candidate in this race. We simply want more people, people like you, to engage and participate. No copyright infringement, defamation, libel, or slander is intended. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected]. Please don’t sue us!
The Debates 2020 was created with a process originally formed for The Debates 2016.
Theater in Asylum (TIA) is a New York-based theater company founded in 2010 to challenge and empower our community. TIA joyfully pursues a rigorous research and an ensemble-driven approach to theater-making. We create performances to investigate our past, interpret our present, and imagine our future. We prize space to process, space to question—asylum—for ourselves and our community.